Belief is Energy

Religious figures Deities were&are Ideally taught as Perfect in Character; There was Implicit Faith in them by some . However, innumerable stories and evil depictions of Them by some led to some losing Faith&:some using the Negative portrayal to commit Offences. ......... Deities were represented as holy pure Images ( sculptures , paintings etc.), & for those with Advanced SpiritualEnergy& Ethos, an Imagination/Thought of the Image Depiction was sufficient to be in Piety presence. The more Subtle did not need this/ any extrinsucality. Words came in for another Community group that had another Nurture effect ( upon their Minds ), &:required Words , extrinsic Demonstrations &other more Verbose external related Communications ( poetry, essays , written texts, mantras etc.). ................... Some depictions in Bible were prevalent in Oral Hindu instruction. Exodus 24:10, Bible : Hindu deities as Shiva, Krishna , Vishnu, Rama etc. were formerly depicted in aqua/sa...