True Religion aspires to lead people back to their Instincts of Love (& it's Affiliates of Trustworthiness, Friendliness, Humanity and Consequent Results of Knowledge & Harmony). Since there are Shared Truths, Known Truths, Revealed Truths and to be Revealed Truths - Faith is Progressive and based upon various Basis of Science, Relevant Tradition, Introspection and Honest perception. Thus also, various Texts, Beings, Occurences and Confirmations are used towards Verifying correctness Maximally. The Wise think, and think long-term ( using best Efforts).
Predetermined/fixed Norms of "cause-effect, birth- death, and spirit-soul-body" are Intrinsic in Existence; some Norms are changeable within Fixed Principles of Justice/ true Morality ( Dissolution of certain Negative effects by a Higher moral Being, Heaven /transcending birth-death and Working with (instead of Against) Righteous principles of Spirit ( overcoming Limitations of Corporeality)). Some normative Patterns are changeable Within larger Environs that yet are unchanging in some Aspects , and some Attain final / permanent Change( including the Environ at large) via Intention. Compatibility does not indicate Conformance with Injustice : it is Wisdom to know, interpret, evolve Thinking and live Justly
Sentience is not for using, abusing, eating, entertainment, wear or commercial exploitation. Genesis 1:29-30, 7:15, are some Bible verses that refer to equally important Sentience ( animals, birds hens roosters , fish, humans ) , all having "breath of Life ( eternal Spirit soul ) "/ Intangible Energy fields ; Plants were given as nutrition etc. for all. If there are contradictions in religious text, the Wise will choose , that what is pro-Sentience. Later, Bible ref, to catch fish or make an occupation out of abusing other Sentience. . Paul's & elijah's suicidal depression etc. . . are not Exemplary instances ; in former, it could be symbolic ref. to learn an Occupation from expert - towards Morally educating Humans (& not abuse any Sentience any further); & latter , that humans were not perfect & had to work at it: To interpret with due respect equally for all Sentience. Some have never read nor believe a Bible or Torah or any r...