One being

By inherent nature, The Effect of 'Complete Righteousness' is not dependent upon Numbers of beings : One "correct" Individual is " Infinite Strong" : Math in
 ' metaphysicality/super' is variant from the " ordinary" calculation Math.

Quantum Mechanics and Internal Engineering dynamics:
The precepts and realities of " messiahs, prophets, Objectivity and Truth" are founded upon Strength of Righteousness , and not Numbers of beings.

Another illustration of Super/ Supra/ Metaphysical/ Truth calculations:
from Hinduism Science Metaphysics : The Isha Upanishad:
The SpiritWhole gave from Itself, and yet remained Whole/full/Complete 
( In Natural: lessening/subtraction Occurs when a Giving occurs- but not in Metaphysicality.)

Another example:
Greed brings Lessening of that what is Coveted/ ill- gotten gain - one's own Effort is Increase.


These are not Religious or Abusive facts of some - it's Realities that we have to exist in

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