
Showing posts from December, 2022

Referring to Truth

True Religion aspires to lead people back to their Instincts of Love (& it's Affiliates of Trustworthiness, Friendliness, Humanity and Consequent Results of Knowledge & Harmony). Since there are Shared Truths, Known Truths, Revealed Truths and to be Revealed Truths - Faith is Progressive and based upon various Basis of Science, Relevant Tradition, Introspection and Honest perception. Thus also, various Texts, Beings, Occurences and Confirmations are used towards Verifying correctness Maximally. The Wise think, and think long-term ( using best Efforts).

Ability to Think Intelligently and Literature

Literature and Capability to think Intelligently is important;  merely knowing a Language does not indicate that you are Intelligent and capable of Thinking -nonsense  can be communicated in any Language- ; it is Literature and Intelligent thinking that matters in real Development. Communication occurs even without Words.


Sentience is not for using, abusing, eating, entertainment,  wear or commercial exploitation. Genesis 1:29-30, 7:15, are some Bible verses that refer to equally important Sentience ( animals, birds hens roosters , fish,  humans ) , all having "breath of Life ( eternal Spirit soul ) "/ Intangible  Energy fields ; Plants were given as nutrition etc. for all. If there are contradictions in religious text, the Wise will choose , that what is pro-Sentience. Later, Bible ref, to catch fish or make an occupation out of abusing other Sentience. . Paul's & elijah's suicidal depression etc. . . are not Exemplary instances ; in former, it could be symbolic ref. to learn an Occupation from expert - towards   Morally educating Humans (& not abuse any Sentience any further); & latter , that humans were not perfect & had to work at it: To interpret with due respect equally for all Sentience. Some have never read nor believe a Bible or Torah or any r...


Applying  'Sensibility'  towards Referring only Relevant & Truthful tradition and Science portions: Other than Eternal value, it also enables "Virtuous" circles based upon True norms, to continue.

Harmony; intro.

Harmony includes Actualisation : all Roles perform their respective Functions (in proportion) towards Order

Truth ; intro.

There are "absolute Truth and Truths ( on various Aspects)" ; You know its an "object ( cloth, stone, utensil)  "  and not a "human"- there are Established reasons for this factual Truth too in the ordinary mundane. Certain facts are Objective truths and basis of Law ( harmony, justice & development- removes Ignorance & Arrogance that causes Suffering in Physicality & eternal SpiritSoul) Harmony is where Truth is;  even if there is intense sorrow due to a Genuine reason, the Honesty of the Intellect ( thought,& emotion that responds in Genuineness to cause of the pain) is in Harmony with Truth ( example: the Rebellion against  Purity  did cause the Justified pain in Proportion- elicits Response of bringing Justice/Order _ a state of balance Harmony).


Predetermined/fixed Norms of "cause-effect, birth- death, and spirit-soul-body"  are Intrinsic in Existence; some Norms are changeable within Fixed Principles of Justice/ true Morality ( Dissolution of certain Negative effects by a Higher moral Being, Heaven /transcending birth-death and Working with (instead of Against) Righteous principles of Spirit ( overcoming Limitations of Corporeality)). Some normative Patterns are changeable Within larger Environs that yet are unchanging in some Aspects , and some Attain final / permanent Change( including the Environ at large) via Intention. Compatibility does not indicate Conformance with Injustice : it is Wisdom to know, interpret, evolve Thinking and live Justly 

Idealism and Reality

Idealism is essential , due to intrinsicality in Existence, and prospectiveness ( Determination to avoid& overcome Suffering in spirit, soul & body; continuity ). In a Just environment: Merit (distinction, & being, deserving) is the Purpose and Result of Efforts; Merit that is based upon Competencies (instinct and/or Learned) of Honesty, Qualification, Just processes/means/efforts and Results that are Sustainable : The Deserving get their due better Reward ( non-monetary and monetary), and because they are Just&Honest, while continuing to serve in  their respective Competency, they also  make efforts towards Systems that render Equal opportunity, defend the Weak/helpless, Prevent injustice and Promote true Education. ..................

A 'dot' becomes a Line (extends Itself) : a Deed is an Extension of an Intent; while Deeds can influence Intents, it is the Intent that 'includes Choice'.

Dot ( Spirit symbol, herein); "Imprints" upon Mind by an Art have Influence upon thought, emotion, memory (deeds are Influenced, thereby).

Involution (reference: Intricate involvement that causes Development ) : the Spirit stays as Spirit, but during Involution, It realises Further Deeper, and could Improve

Essences make a difference in How, Why, What & When we Create  Divine eyes ; art  some Skills of a Fish : to swim and co-exist A 'supernal' Fish and 'natural' Fish , both: all Sentience has, both  'spiritSoul and physicality';  art depict A 'music' though Abstract, is yet Describable ; being Beyond words, Music art Renders itself. ............. An Invisible Subtle entity: the Spirit soul is Abstract

Spirit and Matter

By intrinsic Nature of Existence,  "spirit" is from outside (Apart from) of 'matter' ( the Spirit upon departure , leaves Matter behind)  , and thus, 'matter' does not evolve into a higher-order Existence by itself; Spiritual levels change, and this Influences 'matter' quality- but Matter yet remains 'matter' and Different from 'spirit'. Thus , Evolution of Matter into Spirit, or Matter evolving by itself into Organisms ,or Evolutionary theorem by itself, is unfactual