
Sentience is not for using, abusing, eating, entertainment,  wear or commercial exploitation.

Genesis 1:29-30, 7:15, are some Bible verses that refer to equally important Sentience ( animals, birds hens roosters , fish,  humans ) , all having "breath of Life ( eternal Spirit soul ) "/ Intangible  Energy fields ; Plants were given as nutrition etc. for all.

If there are contradictions in religious text, the Wise will choose , that what is pro-Sentience.

Later, Bible ref, to catch fish or make an occupation out of abusing other Sentience. . Paul's & elijah's suicidal depression etc. . .
are not Exemplary instances ; in former, it could be symbolic ref. to learn an Occupation from expert - towards   Morally educating Humans (& not abuse any Sentience any further); & latter , that humans were not perfect & had to work at it: To interpret with due respect equally for all Sentience.

Some have never read nor believe a Bible or Torah or any religious material of any denomination or version;

 Sense of Mutuality, Honest perception and some verified Science renders due Support towards Equality for all Sentient beings.

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