
Showing posts from October, 2022

1 Peter 2:9

Globalisation is Synergy. A true Spirit is expansive, unconfined to timeSpace boundaries.

One being

By inherent nature, The Effect of 'Complete Righteousness' is not dependent upon Numbers of beings : One "correct" Individual is " Infinite Strong" : Math in  ' metaphysicality/super' is variant from the " ordinary" calculation Math. Quantum Mechanics and Internal Engineering dynamics: The precepts and realities of " messiahs, prophets, Objectivity and Truth" are founded upon Strength of Righteousness , and not Numbers of beings. Another illustration of Super/ Supra/ Metaphysical/ Truth calculations: from Hinduism Science Metaphysics : The Isha Upanishad: The SpiritWhole gave from Itself, and yet remained Whole/full/Complete  ( In Natural: lessening/subtraction Occurs when a Giving occurs- but not in Metaphysicality.) Another example: Greed brings Lessening of that what is Coveted/ ill- gotten gain - one's own Effort is Increase. ........... These are not Religious or Abusive facts of some - it's Realities that we have to ...

The most Truthful, is most Sensible: being True allows for Honest evaluation ( Real solutions & their Actuality etc. are possible), Knowing how much of a Solution exists, is possible and/or Tuning in accordingly ( Expectation setting)

Thoughtfully applying, only the  "Sensible/ most Righteous" from Varied options: Towards , Harmony


Jeremiah 8:7 : Humans are told to learn from Birds: Insticts of Humans were supposed to be naturally inclined towards Loving, and Justice (& their Manifestations of Consideration, Mutuality, Responsibility and Eternal concerns) , -just as Birds referred,  instinctively knew & retained their Phases , Flight, Affections, Duties, Migration and Routes; Due to 'humans' having opted to lose and abuse their Instincts towards Affection, provisions had to be made for Innocent to reap the consequences of the evils Sown, and bring Harmony ( Justice whereby Normal Instinctive patterns of Mutuality could be restored ).

Same source

 The Torah Commandment to "do unto others as to self " : a Logic herein is that the ' others and self' come from "same Source", and 'harming another' yields 'self-harm' ;  Coming from "same Source" should Instinctively make it natural to be Considerate; where Instincts have failed, written Commandments of cause-effect and profit-loss come in - this is also where Immeasurable Love gets into Calculation Zone of Justice